
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Things I love Thursdays.....(Good Documentaries...oh and My Husband)

No Impact Man...a Documentary and a book (by the same name) about a man (but really a family) that decides to voluntarily participate in an experiment of his own making that seeks to have him live for a year making little to no impact on the environment.
No Impact Man

Of course, I believe that the goal of having little to no impact on the environment is GREAT!  Tops!  That was the initial draw for me to both the movie and the book (and the blog).  But what got me is the No Impact Family.

Colin Beaven (No Impact Man) allows the viewer/reader to watch his family go through this process.  It's amazing and touching and heart-warming and very real.  From watching the family stomp their laundry clean in the bathtub (their little girl is adorable), to traveling through NYC in their bike "SUV"...not to mention the "Pot in the Pot" meltdown from his wife (and really, not that I have or had even heard of a "pot in a pot" before this movie, but I've been in the moment of conflict with my husband and realizing that as much as we love each other...our priorities, in that moment, are light-years away from each other).  Yay for the Earth!  Yay for Life! and Yay for Families!

After watching No Impact Man, I kept thinking about something that my husband often says (regarding personal motivation), "You've got to decide what you are willing to do".  My husband has said this in regards to work out ethic, raising children, house cleaning, etc.  In the film, Beavan makes similar comments. 

So, what are you willing to do to have a better world for yourself?  For the next generation? Parents, what are you willing  to do to make a healthy world for your children?

Most of the parents I know would take a bullet for their children.  In fact, I've even heard most of the parents I know say something to that effect.  Hell, I've said it and genuinely

Here's the GOOD NEWS....

Parents I'm not asking you to take bullet or harm yourself in anyway for your children.  I'm just asking you to think about simple ways to make the Environment a better place for your children.  Reduce the amount of waste that your household generates.  Reuse/Recycle as MUCH as you can.  And pay attention to the food you put in your body and the products you put on your body.  It's not about being "green" or a "tree hugger" or a "conservationist" or any other label...It's about being a good parent!

Don't shrug off responsibility and insure that our current Environmental Crisis becomes the Crisis of generations to come. 

So....  What are you willing to do?

And to CALLOUSLY steal from Kristy at One Dress Protest....

If not now, and if not us, then when and who?
 Read the article HERE you will not be disappointed

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